Thursday, December 01, 2005

World AIDS Day

In honor of World AID's Day I would like to ask that we pray for two things:

  1. An increase in, and ethical distribution of, funding for HIV/AIDS research, prevention, and treatment.
  2. That those of us living with HIV and AIDS know they are cared about and supported.
We are all part of the same community. What happens to one of us, happens to us all.


Tina said...

I just watched on CNN this morning a piece by Dr Sanjay Gupta that dealt w/the success rate of AIDS drugs in Rwanda (where 1 in 10 people are HIV positive). Critics for yrs have been saying that "poor people from 3rd world nations" will not take their meds on time and regularly, or make a healthcare routine b/c they don't really care to. Well... Dr Gupta's look into Rwanda proved otherwise. The AIDS healthcare program in Rwanda shows that when people are given drugs via a well stocked clinic and a visiting nurse type program in very rural areas (and all the visiting nurse needs is a bicycle to deliver the meds to those infected) and when the people who are given the drugs are ALSO given a small stock of food to take with the drugs, their health is greatly improved and stabilized. Most AIDS drugs ravage a person's body, but add on top of that a person not having any food to eat when they take the meds, and of course they stand no chance of improving. So once again, the root cause of these people's problems is poverty and starvation/ malnutrition. But since when does America want to face an ugly fact like poverty? We won't even acknowledge it exists in our nation, let alone in a far away 3rd world nation.

Elandus said...

Well put!