Monday, January 02, 2006

NBC’s Programming Independence Is Under Attack!!

Greetings & Happy New Year!

On January 6, 2006, the first episode of “The Book of Daniel” will air on NBC. “The Book of Daniel” is a drama/comedy series that has an Episcopalian minister and father (Daniel Webster, played by Aidan Quinn) as the main character. Webster has conversations with Jesus, an addiction to prescription painkillers, and leads a congregation struggling with issues such as church politics, sexuality, and monogamy.

“The Book of Daniel” series, co-written by Jack Kenny and Brian Hargrove, is being used by fundamental fanatics in their unending attempts to take control of our country and force their religiosity on the rest of us. These aspiring theocrats are threatening the sponsors of “The Book of Daniel” and demanding that they withdraw their ads.

In particular, Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman of the American Family Association is using the ‘religious’ right’s well developed scare and bully tactics to put pressure on NBC and its sponsors. Even as you read, aspiring theocrats are instructing their acolytes to contact NBC and demand that “The Book of Daniel” not be aired. This is censorship. This is anti-American. This is unethical.

Now is the time for Americans to unite and stop the scare tactics of those working to restrict our civil rights and install their brand of piety as the norm. Now is the time for Americans to unite and demonstrate that we are the majority. Now is the time for Americans to take a stand against those who want to overtake our country through religious rhetoric, censorship, and threats.

What Can You DO?

Visit or and let NBC know that you support their right to exert their independence from the ‘religious’ right as they make programming decisions.

Contact your local NBC station and their advertising sponsors. Let them know that you want them to air “The Book of Daniel.”

Share this information with everyone you know.

Thank you,

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