Sunday, November 18, 2007

Freeing Yourself From the Homophobic Lifestyle

If you are sure that your preacher has the mainline to God, then submit to his directions on how you should treat your neighbor.

If you know that your preacher and God have special visits, then follow every example his actions show you.

If you believe that your preacher knows what God wants, then surrender when he tells you that women are only meant to be helpmeets.

If you have faith that your preacher represents God on earth, then yield when he tells you that LGBT, same-gender-loving people are condemned to hell.

If you accept the tradition that the Holy Spirit speaks through your preacher, then harden when he tells you to hate.

On the other hand, if your soul longs for a way to heal hurt caused by rejection, then understand that God stops pain through you. If you your mind questions why sexuality is a painful issue, then know that God shows love through you. If your heart doubts that LGBT, same-gender-loving people are no more perverted than anyone else, then remember that God speaks truth through you.

Some members of Black lesbian communities were distressed by the actions of Charlene E. Cothran, Venus Magazine Publisher, when she declared she was no longer lesbian. Cothran betrayed gays when she vilified us with her words. In her writing, which she now claims is for Black lesbians and gays who are … searching for a way out, Cothran connects lesbian and gay relationships with standing at the gates of hell. She writes that as a believer of the word of God she fully accept and have always known that same-sex relationships are not what God intended for us. Cothran’s experience, actions, words, and decisions illustrate the quagmire many Black LGBT, same-gender-loving people face: I had been struggling with trying to reckon my spiritual upbringing with my lesbian lifestyle. Black preachers continually perpetuate the perception that a person cannot be Black, LGBT, same-gender-loving and Christian at the same time. These preachers emphasize the fact that domestic violence, child abuse, alcohol/drug abuse, sexual promiscuity, HIV/AIDS, STD’s and suicide are all present within our communities as evidence for their condemnation of us.

They do this all while they ignore the fact that heterosexuals are more likely to sexually abuse children. Alcoholism, promiscuity, and domestic violence are prevalent among heterosexuals, and HIV/AIDS is spreading most rapidly among black heterosexual women, youth, and men. Meanwhile, Black LGBT, same-gender-loving people who value belonging to a traditionally Black religious institution, feel violated, vilified, and threatened into silence about their sexuality.

Unfortunately, Cothran followed this same tactic when she connected the violent murder of her friend Venus Landin who died at the hands of her lesbian partner to her own salvation from the lesbian lifestyle. It is time for us to stop being scapegoats for all of the issues that threaten our society. It is time for us to learn how to be our own role models.


Anonymous said...

“Watch out so that no-one will take you captive by means of philosophy and empty deceit, following human tradition which accords with the elemental spirits of the world but does not accord with the Messiah. For in Him, bodily, lives the fullness of all that God is. And it is in union with Him that you have been made full – He is the head of every rule and authority.” Colossians 2.8 (Complete Jewish Bible / pp 1403)

Reverend, with all due respect, it's not a matter of believing anybody; or accepting anybody's interpretation of anything. When it comes to repentance, forgiveness and redemption, it's all a matter of turning to God, facing Him, and accepting His Word and His love. I honestly don't know if we are born, or if we become homosexuals. I don't think anybody knows. And it is pointless to debate on it. I just know one thing: I can't live away from God! I just can’t make myself believe that He is wrong and I’m right, and go on living as He doesn’t exist. I just can’t silence His voice inside my spirit and soul and pretend I can do whatever I want with my life. I NEED HIS LOVE AND FORGIVENESS MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE IN THE WORLD. I CAN HAVE IT NOW. This is something no-one can't take away from me. No matter how convincing and well intentioned they may be.
I’m also willing to listen and talk openly to anyone who desires to talk more about it. But in no respect, I’m willing to turn it into an aimless argument.

Lady Mara Rodrigues

Elandus said...

Dear Anonymous,

First, I would like to thank you for taking the time to leave your comment. It is important that we all have space to freely express our feelings, perceptions, and beliefs. This is the only way we will be able to connect with one another and successfully build a safer and more just world.

Second, after reading your thoughts, I would like to encourage you to go back to the Bible and examine the words and actions of Jesus Christ. If you concentrate on the ultimate Christian—Jesus Christ--rather than interpretations from Paul and others, I think that you will come to understand that homosexuality is not an anathema.

Reverend Deborah Elandus Lake