Thursday, April 10, 2008

Stand for World-wide Justice

The increase in the violence and intimidation of gays and lesbians in many African countries reminds me of the terrible brutality committed against Fanny Ann Eddy in Sierra Leone. Eddy was an out lesbian and an activist in her country for gay and lesbian civil rights. In 2002, she founded the Sierra Leone Lesbian and Gay Association.

In 2004, she spoke at the UN’s 60th session on human rights, and gave testimony to the dangers lesbian and gay Africans faced. Later that same year, she was beaten, raped and killed while she was working late in her office. She was targeted because she stood against homophobia.

The Human Rights Watch said Eddy was, “a person of extraordinary bravery and integrity, who literally put her life on the line for human rights.”

Let us all take the example left by Eddy and Stand together against homophobia, misogyny, and oppression regardless of the danger we face. Let us speak out against the corporate sponsorship of hate. Let us not be silent in the face of the religious justification for oppressing lgbt people.

Division and silence are the food of bigots. Power comes with unity.

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