Saturday, January 07, 2006

Justice Sunday III

How Ethical Is This?

Many conservative, right-wing, religious leaders (I prefer my term--the Religious Reich) manipulate the Bible (and the people who listen to them) to spread their intolerance, homophobia, and misogyny. The most recent example will take place January 8 in what is being called “Justice Sunday III—Proclaim Liberty Throughout the Land-God Save the United States and this Honorable Court.” Their plan is to broadcast this exercise in false piety in churches, religious radio and TV stations, and web cast.

The speakers represent a long list of people (mostly men) who have consistently aligned themselves on the side of the oppressors in issues of morality. They intend to ‘save’ the country and 'proclaim liberty through the land.'

The Religious Reich claims these intentions all while they fight to keep same sex (I prefer my term—like speaks to like) couples in the ‘back of the bus’ of American society.

How ethical is that?

Herbert H. Lusk II, a black pastor, said that he agreed to let his church, Greater Exodus Baptist Church in Philadelphia, host the event out of loyalty to Bush. Lusk is a black pastor who claims Bush as a friend in the back drop of Katrina and the obvious disregard Bush demonstrated for Black agony.

How ethical is that?

Religius Reich, you name today Justice Sunday III and call out for liberty while you ignore the fact that a large portion of American households suffer double taxation because our unions are not heterosexual.

How ethical is that?

You ignore the fact that many households with young children are headed by women. Women who are paid less than their male counterparts.

How ethical is that?

You ignore the fact that many of our children live in homes where violence is the norm.

How ethical is that?

Religious Reich, you ignore the fact that most of our children are molested by people they know, and often those people are religious leaders.

How ethical is that?

These are unprecedented times, and they call for unprecedented responses. Those of us who respect religious diversity, personal freedom, the separation of church and state, the value of the Constitution, and freedom of speech must put aside our divisions, and our egos and work together to bring the Religious Reich to a halt.

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May not be used without written permission.

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