Tuesday, November 29, 2005

America is in a battle between the extremes of right/left, pro/anti, gay/straight, black/white, religious/secular... America is in danger of being reduced to a state ruled by a theocracy.

Our country is caught by the shouts of extremists when we try to come to terms over the rights of same sex couples. We are stymied by the ravings of extremists when we try to discuss the validity of a woman having exclusive rights over her body. We are thwarted by the rhetoric of extremists when we try to understand why people of color are disproportionately incarcerated in our country. America is in a battle between the extremes.

Our country is bogged down by those who use religious language and theological ideas to bully, frighten, control, kill, and oppress anyone who speaks out against their beliefs, and tactics. These people are power hungry. These people are intolerant. These people spread chaos. They work best when we are confused, and issues are blurred.

These people are not the majority in our country. They are a small handful of people who strive to dictate how we relate to each other, how we treat each other, how we feel about ourselves, and how we are seen by the rest of the world. These people are working to reduce America to a state ruled by a theocracy.

Theocracy: 1. government by divine guidance or by officials who are regarded as divinely guided.
2 :
a state governed by a theocracy

Theocracy threatens America every time the leader of a religious institution uses the pulpit to promote a political agenda. Theocracy threatens America each time our political leaders use religious rhetoric to justify their actions. Theocracy threatens America each time the validity of our laws is determined by how analogous they are to a religious belief.

An example of how we are threatened by theocracy is illustrated in the theocratic actions and words of General Boykin a military general in the United States. Boykin has spoken at religious revivals and preached that America as a “Christian Nation” is in a holy war battling Satan. He has also said that America’s Muslim adversaries will be defeated “only if we come against them in the name of Jesus.” Published on Thursday, May 20, 2004 by the Guardian/UK

We are caught between extremes and it is time for us to come together and start the revolution that will free all Americans from the contrived battle between God and Satan, Black and White, Good and Evil. It is time to leave our made up movie interpretation of a good guy and a bad guy and start to realize that we are humans who are being used by power hungry, unethical men and women who will not rest until their version of how things should be is established as the norm.

I ask that you join in demanding that our political leaders stop using religious rhetoric to justify their actions, and start recognizing what ethical standards their actions reflect. For instance, how ethical is it that the leaders of Christian churches use their power to oppress the rights of those of us who are American and lesbian or gay?

How ethical is it that the president of the United States did not have a clue about the destruction and human misery that was brought on by Katrina until there was a loud outcry from several people for his attention?

What ethical standards do the actions of our political leaders and religious zealots reflect? Do we want to continue to stand by, silent while a few people continue to reduce our country to its least common denominator? Are we prepared to look the next generation in the eye and say that we did the best we could to ensure that they had the same rights, the same freedom, the same space to pursue happiness as we have had? What do our actions, or lack of action, say about our ethical standards?

It is time for Our American Revolution!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This lays out what we need to know in plain English. It's a little scarry when you think about it.